Your Terms and Conditions section is like a contract between you and your customers. You make information and services available to your customers, and your customers must follow your rules.
All KFM Sales Events are Vanilla unless otherwise stated.
- All Vendor applications for each event will be considered. Please wait for official invoice before you submit payment.
- All payments must be submitted by the due date on your application. A late fee will apply. if you still have not paid, you will lose your spot.
- KFM and it partners, subsidiaries and all events hosted by KFM have a ZERO tolerance policy for unlawful behavior, hate speech, bullying, promotions, spam, etc.
- KFM Vendor Events does not require you to promote our events as others events do, but we do encourage you to promote your spot at our events so your customers and followers will know how to find you.
- All applicable information for each event will be listed in it's respectful application. Please print a copy for your reference as my schedule may not allow me to answer these details during the week of the event.
- All Terms and Conditions can and will change without notice. It is up to you to check back frequently to see any and all current applicable terms and conditions.
- By vending or attending any KFM Vendor Event, you acknowledge and agree that you, your product, your name may be used in promotional materials.